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发表于: 18-03-2018 20:11:05
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How to monitor the voltage and current between type-C devices?
1. Make sure the PD trigger switch on the meter is turned off.
2. Connect the charger and the meter with a type-C cable, and then connect the meter and the mobile phone (or something else) with another type-C cable.
3. If the screen didn't light up, flip the cable on any side of the meter.

How to convert temperature units
Press "Enter" and hold 1s "Screen Settings"->"Disable Fahrenheit" OR " Enble Fahrenheit"

Disable fast charge warning
Menu > Developer tools > Advanced settings an option called "Disable Warnings"

Cable resistance test resulted in N/A
Cable resistance feature sometimes fails, it displays "N/A" and I don't know why, I did exactly by the manual.
But sometimes it works fine, and the result seems correct. Any suggestions?
"Normal Mode" of cable resistance test is basically get the resistance of the cable by calculating the voltage drop on the cable, this requires the load current to be the same to get an accurate result.
The meter has been designed to display "N/A" if the current difference between two occasions is more than 10mA.
We guess you are using a resistor load to run the test, since the current through the resistor load will change by the voltage, it cannot be used to do the test.

ow long should upgrade of CT-2 take?
I followed the instructions, and got into firmware upgrade mode. I dropped the new firmware into the folder, and I am getting the message:
133 -> 134
1.If after about 10 seconds,the device shows “Firmware Verification Failed”.
2.Please replug the USB cable.
3.Click “Firmware Update” button again (A “Waiting for device” window is normal,ignore it)
4.You can still click "Firmware Update" button to update the device's firmware even without recognizing the device.

Does the CT2 have Bluetooth for phone?
Unfortunately, we didn’t provide that so far.
It’s a professional meter, highly relies on connection stability. We still preferred to use USB connection instead of wireless choices. Especially for developers, catching PD packets or viewing diagrams on a large screen PC is easier than doing those on mobile phones. We did consider to implement parts of features on smart phones, and found it’s basically meter readings, maybe do some part of charting. It does provide some kind of convenience though, but not enough.


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